
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Element: EARTH
Unakites nurturing energy of green with the soft, caring passion of pink reveal its ability to balance the physical and emotional aspects of the heart.
It resonates with the frequency of love, compassion and kindness, and is a stone dedicated to balancing the emotional body.
Unakite is associated with the Heart Chakra - Anahata. It regulates our interaction with the external world and controls what we embrace and what we resist. It gives us the balancing ability to be ourselves within our environment. 
Unakite is also called Epidote, for its main component deriving its name from the Greek epidosis meaning “growing together.” A combination of Red Jasper, pink Feldspar and green Epidote, Unakite is solidly bound together and is said to symbolize “what comes together belongs together.” It forms in dense, opague masses as a granite rock and ranges in color from pistachio to moss green interlaced with areas of pink, peach or light red. It is named for the Unaka Mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina, USA, where it was first found, but is also found in pebbles and boulders in glacial drifts around the Great Lakes, as well as Zimbabwe and Switzerland
For lasting love, Unakite is traditionally sprinkled with dried yarrow and placed in a sealed bag as a marriage or commitment symbol. It should be replaced on anniversaries and the old crystal and yarrow cast into running water. To help two become three, place Unakite under the pillow to aid in conception. During pregnancy a piece of Unakite on the womb helps parents-to-be make spiritual connection with their unborn baby; it is marvelous for use during labor to ease the transition.